Daily Dose of New York and Other Cities

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Location: Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

In Greek mythology, Prometheus is the son of Iapetos and Klymene (Clymene). His name means Forethought. He was the god who, despite warning, stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the primitive mortals on earth. That, to me, is compassion. But for his crime, he was shackled to Mount Caucasus, where Zeus' eagle would rip his flesh and eat his liver every day. His wound healed quickly and so the torment would continue daily with the eagle returning for a feast. This image of sacrificial love continues to fuel the things I do, or at least, reminds me of the things I aspire towards - for the betterment of society and the good of mankind.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Minus 12 Degrees!

I woke up freezing. It's -12 degrees Celsius. And with the windchill coming through, I know I am going to freeze my butt off as I head off to the Bronx.

Time check: 5:55am. I have to get out of bed now.