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Location: Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

In Greek mythology, Prometheus is the son of Iapetos and Klymene (Clymene). His name means Forethought. He was the god who, despite warning, stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the primitive mortals on earth. That, to me, is compassion. But for his crime, he was shackled to Mount Caucasus, where Zeus' eagle would rip his flesh and eat his liver every day. His wound healed quickly and so the torment would continue daily with the eagle returning for a feast. This image of sacrificial love continues to fuel the things I do, or at least, reminds me of the things I aspire towards - for the betterment of society and the good of mankind.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

'Weathering' Heights

The rain came in torrential pours for the last two days.

I was, for the first time, wearing 3 layers of clothes - my usual T-shirt, a dark navy blue NYU sweater with a hood (which cost me US$57. I know... I was a sucker for the 'NYU' branding), and my usual black windbreaker which had served me well thus far. The rain soaked through my first layer, and thankfully, the sweater gave me some warmth and dryness.

Yesterday was unexpectedly warm with lots of sunshine. I hated the fact that I brought both the sweater and windbreaker along, and all I needed was just the windbreaker. In fact, there was no windchill and I could easily go around in just my T-shirt and jeans. My rucksack was heavy -- and I regretted carrying so much with me to school. I was lugging my Dell laptop in my bag as well.

Today, I woke up at 7:10 am with a very dry throat. A sore throat must be developing, I thought. I tried hard to think of what I had eaten the night before -- the usual Chinese beef and broccoli with rice. My new takeaway dinner for US$4.50 -- after I received emails from family and friends telling me to stop eating so much Philly steak sandwiches.

So, it must be the beef and broccoli's fault. Or I must have forgotten to drink enough water.

I hate this feeling. I don't want to get sick in New York. I have been exercising and trying hard to keep fit... So no way am I going to let the common flu/sore throat stop me.

As I walked along the corridor to take my morning shower (am I crazy?), the wind blew hard. I knew it would be a cold day today. Then I realised it must have been the cold draught of wind during the night that could have dried my throat, causing irritation with dry cough and soreness.


I checked the weather forecast after my shower. It was 5 degrees Celsius! The temperature had dipped tremendously. But according to the forecast, the highest would be 16 degrees. And it would be a sunny day.

Bingo! I would just wear 2 layers.

Once I stepped outside the I.House, I realised my choice of clothes was perhaps inappropriate. But it was too late to change into something warmer. Pulling the zipper up all the way to the neck area -- I realised it's important to keep the neck/throat area warm -- and pushing my fingers into my jacket, I waddled to the Subway station. Like a penguin.

It was very chilly. Even a few NYU students in the elevator commented on the cold.

Now, I should act on common sense, and start wearing 3 layers before I freeze in the cold... or fall sick trying to act macho.


Blogger Saggs said...

Hey there... did Dennis ever tell you we're thinking of visiting NY prob within the next 6 mths?

Love reading your updates!

8:23 am  
Blogger Buff said...

Hey its the same over here. If you dont' take care of your throat, you'll get loads of problems, from the normal flu and running nose to fever from throat infection. Make sure you always have our "chuan Pei Pi Pa Gao" with you when you're in cold countries like Europe and the States. Or you might want to get those air fresheners which pump moisture into the air at night while you sleep! you can add som essence to make you sleep better too!

1:55 pm  
Blogger Prometheus said...

Ya, Dennis did mention about your NY trip. Let me know when, ok! How's London??

5:37 am  

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